A small number of features can be combined into an almost endless set of variations. Once You've learn't the principles behind the representation of Armies and Fleets on the Map Board, You're able to focus on what's really the challenge of the operational level of the Campaign - prioritizing when your resources are limited... There are a number of operational situations that the rules have to cover. Since the Campaign System will have functions for game Opponents from inside the Empire, as well as outside the Imperial borders, the rules will cover features of these situations as well. There are also specific rules for main army formations - the Field Armies - and rules for the not-so-mobile Garrisson troops. The main effort of the Rule Design is to keep the rules as simple as possible, but still have them provide guidance for a number of quite different situations. Hopefully this will offer players a Campaign System with a multitude of different Battle Setups.
Rule and Game Design have now reached so far that it's time to start developing the first draft for the Rule Book. The Rule Book will be publish as a digital E-book initally, with possibilty to offer customers a print-on-deamnd version as aan option. The Rule Book will be richly illustrated, with some background facts along with rules example and table with stats of units, infrastructure and abilities.