Overall Scope
The Idea behind this game
BGPI is a boardgame that illustrates the power struggle in the early 4th century Roman Empire. It may be played as a "stand-alone" boardgame - or it may act as an operational layer to tactical games ranging from Tabletop Wargaming to digital wargames such as Field of Glory II or Total War (Attila Total War primarily, but it's possible to imagine Rome Total War with the mod "Rise of Christianity" as well).
Clashes between armies on the Map Board may be resolved "in-game" or by employing "external tools" for resolution. Guides for translating strategic situations into Field Battles are included for several Rule System as DBA, DBMM and Impetus.
The background
Constantine the Great dead, no heir to the throne appointed. The Idea behind this game. Possible strategies to employ.
What are the challenges, what are your goals?
The time is limited, soon the Senates of Rome and Constantinople will have reached an understanding with the Holy Fathers of the Church that the conflict between the imperial claimants alive should be settled at an Imperial Council. You must strengthen your position within the empire as much as possible before this happen. No methods or measures are to be shunned - be it political, military or even treachery. Anything to get you on top - preferably with as few contenders as possible left - will be reasonable. However You don't have to kill or imprison your opponents before the final turn - but the fewer that are still in the game, the fewer will be able to challenge you at the council.
Will your strategy be to make your own position as strong as possible with as few confrontations as possible or will you try to sabotage the standing of your opponents by stealing, battling and sabotaging their position? Or a combination of both? Should you try to form alliances to buy you room for action or aggressively attack the homelands of your neighbour? It's your choice and the race is on!
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